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Discover how single sign-on (SSO) enhances security, boosts employee productivity, and improves customer experience.

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PingOne is a leading brand that offers a powerful Single Sign-On (SSO) solution. With SSO, users can easily sign on to all their applications and services using just one set of credentials. This streamlined authentication process eliminates the need for repetitive credential entry, multiple passwords, and separate accounts. PingOne enables SSO through both SP-initiated federated SSO processes and IdP-initiated federated SSO processes. By implementing identity standards such as SAML, OAuth2, and OpenID Connect, PingOne ensures the secure sharing of identity data among multiple Identity Providers (IdPs) and Service Providers (SPs). This means that users can securely access resources or services from any device with just one click. The benefits of PingOne's SSO solution are significant. It strengthens enterprise security by reducing the reliance on passwords, enhancing the customer experience by eliminating the frustration of juggling multiple passwords, and improving employee productivity by granting easier access to resources. Moreover, it lowers IT costs by decreasing password-related help desk tickets. With PingOne, you can deliver secure and seamless experiences for your customers and employees in our rapidly evolving digital world. Contact PingOne today to request a free demo and see how their SSO solution can transform your business.

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